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Monday 11th November 2024 | Tuesday 12th November 2024 | Wednesday 13th November 2024 | Thursday 14th November 2024 | Friday 15th November 2024 |
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| | | Session 3 (Talks 11-14) | |
| | | 08:30h - 09:30h (1h) | Session 6 (Talks 25-28) |
| | | | 08:30h - 09:30h (1h) |
| Seminar Block 3 | | Coffee break | Coffee break |
| 09:00h - 10:30h (1:30h) | | |
| Linear models II (Regression) | | Keynote 1 | |
| | | Prof. Andreas von Tiedemann | Keynote 2 |
| Coffee break | Registration & Snacks | | Dr. Florian Bittner |
| | Coffee break | |
| | | Get to know the GFF (Dr. Thomas Kühne) |
| Seminar Block 4 | | Coffee break |
Registration & Coffee | 10:45h - 12:15h (1:30h) | Session 4 (Talks 15-19) | |
Linear mixed effect models | 11:00h - 12:15h (1:15h) | Awards with Prof. Flachowsky |
| Opening by Prof. Flachowsky | | 11:30h - 12:45h |
Lunch break | Lunch break | |
Opening by LfULG/HTW | Closing |
Icebreaker | |
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Seminar Block 1 | Seminar Block 5 | | Session 5 (Talks 20-24) | |
13:00h - 15:00h (2h) | 13:00h - 15:00h (2h) | | 13:00h - 14:15h (1:15h) | |
Experimental Design | Generalised linear models I | Session 1 (Talks 1-5) | | |
| (count data) | 13:30h - 14:45h (1:15h) | Coffee break | |
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| | Coffee break | | |
Coffee break | Coffee break | | City tour (self-paid, 15 €) |
| Institute tour | or |
| | | 14:45h - 16:30h (1:45h) | Hiking (free) |
| | Session 2 (Talks 6-10) | Versuchsfeld, Schurichtbau, etc. | |
| | 15:15h - 16:30h (1:15h) | | |
Seminar Block 2 | Seminar Block 6 | | | |
15:30h - 17:30h (2h) | 15:30h - 17:30h (2h) | Coffee break | Coffee break | |
Linear models I (ANOVA) | Generalised linear models I | GWH | GWH | |
| (other responses) | Poster Session 1 | Poster Session 2 | |
| | 16:45h - 18:00h (1:15h) | 16:45h - 18:00h (1:15h) | |
| | Gewächshaus | Gewächshaus | |
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18:30 Dinner at Elbblick | | 20:00 Bowling Arena Dresden | 19:30 Dinner at Burgerei | |
(self-paid) | | (self-paid) | (self-paid) | |