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YSM - Young Scientists Meeting
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The number of participants for the seminar will be limited to 30. However, we will try to offer the seminar again online at a later date if the demand is very high. Therefore, please use the opportunity to register for the seminar waiting list, so that we can immediately collect the names of people who are eligible for another online seminar.


HTW Dresden Campus Pillnitz

Pillnitzer Platz 1-2

01326 Dresden


11th November from 13:00 - 18:00

12th November from 09:00 - 18:00


Analysing your data with R – tips and tricks when nothing is normal


Dr. Doreen Gabriel, JKI – Institute for Crop and Soil Science

Content of the seminar

In this short course I will give you an overview of the kind of data we usually analyse in the JKI. I will talk about aspects you need to know when designing your experiment. Then I will cover ANOVA and regression analysis and I will introduce some issues that are related to this statistical analysis. You will learn more about the assumption of normality and what heteroscedasticity is and why we often do not find it in our data. You will also learn about other probability distributions, such as Poisson and negative binomial, and how to use them to analyse your data within the framework of generalised linear modelling.

Please bring your laptop with R and R Studio installed.